Saturday, August 1, 2009

Film Analysis 2 (Exposition : Sholay)

SHOLAY - 1975: is a great example of perfect screenplay and storytelling. The film is analyzed in parts here - on the line of the article - Film Analysis 1.
Running Time: 199 minutes.

(The exposition provides the background information needed to properly understand the story, the characters and the setting.
The exposition ends with the inciting moment, which is the incident without which there would be no story.

Total time used for 'exposition' : 40 minutes.
In 'exposition', the characters of Thakur, Jay and Veeru are introduced and their nature, intentions are made clear. It is Jay and Veeru's decision to go to Ramgarh to help Thakur is what further makes the 'story.'

1. The movie opens with the scene showing a railway station of the village "Ramgarh" where a police inspector arrives and visits 'Thakur'.
*This opening sequence leads viewers through the setting of the Ramgarh village.

2. Thakur tells the constable, that he needs the two criminals called Jay and Veeru, whom he came to know while he was in the police service. He doesn't want to disclose for what reason he wants to contact the two men.
* Respectful character and position of 'Thakur' in the village is established. Viewers also get a hint that there is something on his mind.

3. When the inspector asks, why he wants the two criminals, Thakur tells the story about how he met Jay and Veeru, (flashback) and while traveling through a train, how they helped him to fight with a gang of thieves who attack on the train. And how Jay and Veeru took injured Thakur to the hospital. (flashback ends)
* Jay and Veeru are introduced. Their philosophy for living life, bravery, humanity all is introduced in 11 minutes sequence, ending it with Thakur - emphasizing it again while telling it to the inspector.

4. While Thakur is on the look out for them with the help of the police inspector, the camera shifts to Jay-Veeru's present: The song "yeh dosti.." starts and tells more aspects about Jay and Veeru..their friendship, their love for each other, companionship, young - happy-go-lucky nature.." The character introduction goes ahead telling other aspects about Jay and Veeru.

5. They strike a deal with 'Surma Bhopali' ( Cunning Wood-seller), as the police has announced a prize money to a person who catches Jay and Veeru.
They go to jail to get the money and get out of the jail by misleading the jailer.
This scene more establishes that they are clever, brave and ready to do anything to earn money.

6. Police manage to catch them again and put them in jail, where Thakur finds them. Thakur explains them that he wants their help in catching the most wanted criminal "Gabbar" alive. He is ready to give money for this task. Jay and Veeru decide to take up this task and go to Ramgarh.
In the 'exposition'..this scene is the 'inciting moment', where the 2 main characters, Jay and Veeru, decide upon something which becomes a 'story' of the movie.

Next: Rising Action

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